Listen to the daily scripture readings and thoughtful commentary with quotes from the Fathers and the lives of the Saints. It's strength for the journey, heard three times a day or whenever you wish from your computer or portable device. Hosted by Fr. Tom Soroka.
The Saint of the Day briefly tells the story of one of our venerable Saints we are commemorating for each day. It is heard eight times daily Monday—Friday, and is also available as a podcast. Our reader is a professional actor and an ordained Deacon in the Orthodox Church, Dn. Jerome Atherholt. Our source is
Here is a link to Sister Vassa Larin's Webpage containing her Daily Morning Coffee Podcast: Morning Coffee with Sister Vassa. (Consider becoming a Patron!)
Confession schedule can be found in the bulletin OR by clicking here: Monthly Calendar. For those who are hesitant to worship in person, Fr. David is available to meet with you, either at home or in church, to participate in the Sacraments ofHoly Confession and Communion. Please email or call Fr. David to set up an appointment.
As is customary in our parish during Lent, the Sacrament of Holy Unction will be celebrated on Thursday, April 10, at 7:00PM.(Note: In order to properly approach the Mystery of Unction and benefit most from it, you should be absolved from your sins beforehand through Holy Confession, especially if you are not a regular communicant. Any question? Call Fr. David)
General Confession will be held on the first and third Saturdays of every month. You are NOT required to attend twice per month - only once - and if you are in need of a private confession, Fr. David is available on Saturday evenings, starting at 6PM.
An Easter Food Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 from 10AM until 2PM, in the parish hall. (Preorders Only!) You can treat yourself to Lenten and Paschal goodies, including babkas, kolachi rolls, pierogies, cheese blintzes, potato pancakes and clam chowder. Order forms with prices, quantities and deadlines are in the bulletin, and on the website's home page.
A Paschal Visitation by Archbishop MICHAEL will take place on Bright Monday, April 21st.
FOOD CARD PROGRAM : Food cards are available for various supermarket chains after Divine Liturgy, and do not cost any more than the face value of the card. The church receives a percentage as a free fundraiser! See Judy Znaiden in church or at
Wednesday, March 12 5:30 Confessions7:00 Liturgy for the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 14 6:00 Confessions7:00 Matins for the Departed
Saturday, March 15 Memorial Saturday 8:30 Confessions-Do NOT arrive after 8:45AM 9:00 Divine Liturgy 5:00 Confessions 7:00 Vespers followed by Confessions
Sunday, March 16 Second Sunday of Great Lent 9:00 Divine Liturgy Mission Vespers: 5:00 Holy Spirit Church in Wantage
Wednesday, March 19 5:30 Confessions7:00 Liturgy for the Presanctified Gifts