Bright Monday with Vladika Michael 2022
Bright Monday with Vladika Michael 2022
Bright Monday with Vladika Michael 2022
Pascha John 1:1 2022 Languages of the Parish
Pascha John 1:1 2022 Languages of the Parish
Pascha John 1:1 2022 Languages of the Parish
Bright Monday 2022
Bright Monday 2022
Bright Monday 2022

Video "An Introduction to Orthodoxy"

For those looking for a new Parish home, or just looking for an introduction to the Orthodox Christian faith, parishioner Zachary Held has created a short documentary film, narrated by Fr. David. Thanks to Zachary for his efforts! The film can be seen on Zach's youtube channel by clicking here: "An Introduction to Orthodoxy"

Memorial Soul Saturdays

As Orthodox, it is natural for us to pray for the departed as it is for those who are still alive. We are taught that the departed are no longer able to rectify their lives as they could on earth; hence, their only hope is for us to pray for them and to do good deeds in their name in order to cover any unrepentant sins that they have brought into the next life. As an act of love and mercy, The Church has set aside four Saturdays this year, called Memorial (Soul) Saturdays to publicly commemorate all her departed children: March 9,30 (Pre-Lent); April 6,13 (Great Lent); June 22 (Eve of Pentecost) and October 19 (Demetrius Sunday). A form was included in the bulletin, and is also available at the Candle Desk, and can be found below. Please write their FIRST names only, and drop it off at the church or rectory. Our bright and joyous faith teaches us that someday, you will again see them in a renewed form.



FOR YOUR INFO: A moving and inspirational video showing the beauty of Orthodoxy can be seen here.The Orthodox Church - A Visual Journey

OCA Telegram Channel: You can now receive announcements and updates from the OCA website and social media. Subscribe to it at  To preview the channel, click here:


Please consider selecting the Donate button to make a one-time or recurring donation. Giving types for Palm Sunday and Pascha have been added. Please also select "Cover Fees" and use your Bank account, in lieu of credit card. (Bank fees are less than card fees.) Thank you for your continued stewardship. 


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See Monthly Calendar for this week's Services.




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Last updated: 2022-11-06 14:23:34

March 13, 2022

Upcoming Events
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2024-09-22 13:58:42

Confession schedule can be found in the bulletin OR by clicking here: Monthly Calendar For those who are hesitant to worship in person, Fr. David is available to meet with you, either at home or in church, to participate in the Sacraments of Holy Confession and Communion. Please email or call Fr. David to set up an appointment.  
On Sat-Sun, September 21-22, we will be honored with an Archpastoral Visit from our diocesan hierarch, Archbishop MICHAEL. His Eminence will be with us at both Vespers and Divine Liturgy. An expanded Coffee Hour, hosted by the Parish Council, will be held in the hall following Liturgy. May be show Vladika the respect due his office and our gratitude for his ministry among us by offering our prayers and presence on these days.
Everyone is invited to the 2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament and Family Picnic, hosted by the NJ District Fellowship of Orthodox Christians (FOCA), on Saturday September 28th, at 7 Acres (or in the parish hall, if raining). There will be fun, fellowship and food for the whole family. Think you have what it takes to win? Put together a team to beat out all the others, (Sign up as an individual and we will pair you up!) or just come and enjoy the competition. Prizes will be awarded for all the victors. Registration will begin at 1:30pm, with the picnic and tournament to follow at 2pm. For more info, call Rebecca Kozak (973) 634-7517 or Michael Kupec (973) 452-6548. Hope to see you there!
Father David will be reinstituting  a Monthly Faith Feedback Session in the back corner of the church hall on Sun, September 29th, during Coffee Hour. Join us at this informal gathering as he tries to answer any questions you may have regarding the Holy Orthodox Faith; its worship, saints, position on issues, history and more. Bring your inquiries and check it out - ALL are welcome!
The Diocesan Dept. of Youth Ministry is hosting a Fall Teen Retreat for middle and high school students Fri-Sun, October 4-6. A weekend of fun, fellowship and faith is planned at the Frost Valley YMCA in Claryville, NY. There is NO cost to attend, but registration is required by Fri., September 20.  All jurisdictions and dioceses are welcome. More details are posted on the church bulletin board. Please take advantage of this opportunity!

FOOD CARD PROGRAM : Food cards are available for various supermarket chains after Divine Liturgy, and do not cost any more than the face value of the card. The church receives a percentage as a free fundraiser! See Judy Znaiden in church or at


Church School: Sept. 29th following Liturgy

Altar Society: Wed Sept. 11th @6:30 (Hall)

Parish Council: Wednesday, October 21st@7:30PM (Hall)

Choir Rehearsal: Tues, Sept. 24th @7:00PM (Church)

Men's Club: Thurs October 24th @ 7:00 (Hall) - 

Saturday, October 12
6:00 Confessions
7:00 Vespers
Sunday, October 13
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Saturday, October 19
6:00 Confessions
7:00 Vespers
Sunday, October 20
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church / South River, NJ / 732-257-0102