25 Week Club Event:
- 25 Week Club Tickets are now available from any member of the Men's Club. A contribution of $25.00 enters you into 25 weekly drawings for a cash prize of $25.00 per drawing. Please see a member after services, or at coffee hour once that resumes.
- If your name is drawn as a winner, it will go back into the mix for a chance to be drawn again (no limit).
- First drawing will be held in late September.
- Besides yourself, purchase a ticket for family members and friends.
- This fundraiser will be capped off by a 25 Week Club Appreciation Nite on January 19th, 2023 to which all ticket holders are invited - Free of Charge to ticket holders! AND More cash prizes and gifts are given out at the dinner. Dinner is BYOB.
- You can invite a guest to this fabulous dinner event for $15.00 per person, but the free dinner is for ticket holders only (meaning you cannot give your ticket to someone else to attend the dinner in your place!)