Video "An Introduction to Orthodoxy" For those looking for a new Parish home, or just looking for an introduction to the Orthodox Christian faith, parishioner Zachary Held has created a short documentary film, narrated by Fr. David. Thanks to Zachary for his efforts! The film can be seen on Zach's youtube channel by clicking here: "An Introduction to Orthodoxy" Memorial Soul Saturdays As Orthodox, it is natural for us to pray for the departed as it is for those who are still alive. We are taught that the departed are no longer able to rectify their lives as they could on earth; hence, their only hope is for us to pray for them and to do good deeds in their name in order to cover any unrepentant sins that they have brought into the next life. As an act of love and mercy, The Church has set aside four Saturdays this year, called Memorial (Soul) Saturdays to publicly commemorate all her departed children: February 22 (Pre-Lent); March 15, 22 & 29 (Great Lent); June 7 (Eve of Pentecost) and October 25 (Demetrius Sunday). A form was included in the bulletin, and is also available at the Candle Desk. Please write their FIRST names only, and drop it off at the church or rectory. Our bright and joyous faith teaches us that someday, you will again see them in a renewed form. |
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FOR YOUR INFO: A moving and inspirational video showing the beauty of Orthodoxy can be seen here.The Orthodox Church - A Visual Journey OCA Telegram Channel: You can now receive announcements and updates from the OCA website and social media. Subscribe to it at To preview the channel, click here: Recommendations from Fr. David: One podcast I whole heartedly recommends is Fr. Thomas Hopko, of blessed memory, "speaking the Truth in Love" here is a link: Speaking the Truth in Love | Ancient Faith Ministries. An unexpected treasure I have found is a Youtube channel called "Atheist Church Audit" that is one of the best introductions I have ever seen of the Orthodox Church. It is also a challenge to us to make sure that the "Jared's" of the world have a similar experience. Here is a link to his video about a visit to a Orthodox parish:An Atheist visits an ORTHODOX Church (and has a surprisingly nice time) |
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2025 Easter Food Sale An Easter Food Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 from 10AM until 2PM, in the parish hall. (Preorders Only!) You can treat yourself to Lenten and Paschal goodies, including babkas, kolachi rolls, pierogies, cheese blintzes, potato pancakes and clam chowder. Order forms with prices, quantities and deadlines are found below. We would love for you to be a part of this "eggstravaganza" by supporting this fundraiser; There will be plenty for everyone's Easter dinner and baskets! |