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Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2022-11-06 14:23:34

March 13, 2022

Upcoming Events
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2025-01-12 12:36:04

Confession schedule can be found in the bulletin OR by clicking here: Monthly Calendar For those who are hesitant to worship in person, Fr. David is available to meet with you, either at home or in church, to participate in the Sacraments of Holy Confession and Communion. Please email or call Fr. David to set up an appointment.  
General Confession will resume on Sat. January 18th, following Vespers. Please remember that this sacrament is held on the first and third Saturdays of every month. You are NOT required to attend twice per month - only once - and if you are in need of a private confession, Fr. David is available on Saturday evenings, starting at 6PM.
To kick off our 120th Anniversary Year, a Mingo Night (Bingo) will be held on Sat. Jan 25, starting at 6PM (Note: Vespers will be served at 5PM that evening.) With different musical themes and genres, there is something for everyone in a game of Mingo. Details to follow. Music brings people together, but good times keep us entwined; so start inviting your family and friends, amp up your competitive spirit, and let's see who takes home the Mingo glory!
The Annual Parish Meeting  will be held on Sunday, February 16th, following Coffee Hour.
The Senior R Club is sponsoring an Atlantic City Bus Trip to the Resorts Hotel & Casino on Tuesday, February 25th. Departure from the main parking lot on Whitehead Ave will be at 9a.m. SHARP. The price is $35 with a return of $20 in free slot play. If you are looking to have a good time and meet some awesome people, then this event is for you! Seats are limited, so register NOW. Contact Janice Meade @ (732-255-8671 or for reservations. This will be the last trip before Great Lent.
FOOD CARD PROGRAM : Food cards are available for various supermarket chains after Divine Liturgy, and do not cost any more than the face value of the card. The church receives a percentage as a free fundraiser! See Judy Znaiden in church or at

Church School: Resumes on Sunday January 12th

Altar Society: Mon. Jan 20th @6:30 (Hall)

Parish Council: Monday, Jan. 20th@7:30PM (Hall)

Choir Rehearsal: Tuesday, Jan 14th@7:00PM (Church)

Men's Club: Thurs February 20th @ 7:00 (Hall) - 

Saturday, January 18
6:00 Confessions
7:00 Vespers followed by General Confession
Sunday, January 19
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Saturday, January 25
6:00 Confessions
7:00 Vespers
Sunday, January 26
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church / South River, NJ / 732-257-0102