Grammata Band of Brothers - 11/21/2021
His Emminence, Archbishop Michael presented the so-called 'Band of Brothers' with Grammatas for their service to the Church during the Pandemic and keeping the Church open during every service. Congratulations and grataitide to Jim Kornafel, Basil Kozak, Phil Rogozenski, Hank Dziemian and Josh Chup.
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Basil's 30th Anni. Presentation - 11/21/2021
His Emminence, Archbishop Michael, presented Basil Kozak with a Grammata for his 30th Anniversary serving Ss. Peter and Paul as its Choir Director. See the videos of the Presentation here and Many Years here. (Wait for them to load!) There are also a few pictures of the Celebration in the Hall.
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Fr. David Jeweled Cross - 11/21/2021
During Liturgy, His Emminence, Archbishop Michael presented our Fr. David with the Jeweled Cross, the Sixth Award of the Orthodox Priesthood. See pictures below and click here for Video of the Presentation.(Wait for it to load.) Fr. David posed for pictures with his family after services.
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In addition to Vespers, His Emminence, ArchBishop Michael, served with us during Liturgy along with at least twelve other Clergy, deacons and altar servers. It was a joyous occasion for all involved. Sonja Harris greeted him with flowers. Starosta Jim Kornafel then greeted him with traditional bread and salt. Lastly, Fr David greeted His Emminence, prior to Hours and Liturgy.
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AB Michael's Visit Vespers - 11/20/2021
His Emminence, ArchBishop Michael graced us with his annual visit this weeked (Nov. 20-21). Following our some pictures from Vespers on Saturday, Nov. 20.
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Graduation - 06/27/2021
On Sunday, June 27th, 2021, we celebrated all the recent high school, college and advanced degree graduations from both 2020 and 2021. In Addition, we announced the two winners of the Schemick-Tolls Scholarship. Congratulations to all of them. (See below pictures, and picture of bulletin insert for details.)
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Memorial Day
See below pictures from Memorial Day Panihida and servicemen tribute held at SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery.
For videos of the 21 Gun Salute/Taps, as well as the Panihida, please see our Youtube Channel:21GUN/TAPS , PANIHIDA
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Blessing of the Willows - 04/25/2021
Blessing of the Willows - April 25, 2021
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Bright Monday w/Archbishop Michael - 05/03/2021
Liturgy and Procession
For videos of the four Gospels procession, please see our Youtube Uploads section. (1) St. Matthew , (2) St. Mark , (3) St. Luke , (4) St. John
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