Vladika Michael Visit

Vladika Michael Visit - 12/29/2019

Vladika Michael graced us with a visit for Vespers on December 28, and Liturgy on the 29th. An extended coffee hour with caroling followed the service. Thank you to His Eminence, Archbishop MICHAEL, Rev. Deacon Staphan Karlgut, and SubDeacon Mark Federoff for spending their time in celebration with us!

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Christmas - 12/25/2019

Select photos from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Thanks to Fr. Samuel who visited us from St. Simon of Cyrene in New Brunswick on Christmas Eve.

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Peirogie Dinner

Pierogie Dinner and Church Cleaning - 12/21/2019

We had a busy day this past Saturday. We had a great team clean the Church candlestands and carpeting from all the candle wax. And, the Senior R Club hosted a Pierogie Dinner, with soup, salad, awesome dessert, and lots of fellowship. 

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Men's Club Holiday Party

Men's Club Holiday Party - 12/19/2019

The Men's Club threw their annual Holiday Party on Thursday, December 19th. The club members and their spouses provided a great spread of "pot-luck" fare. We had our own version of an "aquavit" table, as well as some old-fashioned eggnog. We were even able to take "The 12 Men of Christmas" picture. (No calendar will be forthcoming!) Thanks to everyone who attended. Merry Christmas!

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Dave K. And Choir

Dave K. and Choir Concert - 12/15/2019

This past Saturday, we welcomed a new member to our Parish flock. Dave Kaminsky was Chrismated at a 4:00 service, by Father David. Dave (aka Santa) and his wife Barbara have been attending services at Ss. Peter and Paul for decades. Barbara has been a member for life (and was a past webmaster). David made the leap after years of reflection. Welcome Dave! May God grant you many years!

On Sunday, the Church choir led by Basil Kozak performed it's Annual Community Christmas concert. There are only a few pictures, because the best way to experience this, is to listen to it. Please go to our Youtube page for a sample of this excellent concert. Our Parish on YouTube

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St. Nicholas Pagaent - 12/08/2019

The St. Nicholas Pagaent (Yolka) was performed today after Liturgy on December 8th. The theme was 'The Friendly Beasts'! Even the audience helped out by singing along with the Lyric sheets that Basil provided. Below are pictures from the final rehearsal on Saturday, as well as Sunday's performance.  This year marked the introducation of a new Maestro, Lizzy Leoniuk who helped Phil out in the keyboard department. Her little sis, Patricia and Sophia Mekmeb shared the narration as the rest of the cast sang and acted out the animals parts. I dont have every child's picture with St. Nicholas. If you took a picture of your child with St. Nick, please forward to my email. (See website contact list)

By the way, Basil wouldn't mind having an Assistant Director to help him out as well, so please give him a shout, should you be so inclined. Thanks to everyone who helped with the costumes, scenery, lighting, directing, playing and of course acting and singing.. (Basil, Jennifer, Amanda, Allison, Karen, Phil, Lizzy.. and I probably missed a few)

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival - 11/09/2019

Although it was a bit colder this year, our Fall Festival was a resounding success. (Perhaps avoiding all the OctoberFest events helped out!) Thanks to all who participated (servers, cooks, tricky tray peeps, cashiers, entertainers, and cleaners). Thanks to all who attended, and thanks to Rebecca Kozak for chairing the event.

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RClub Cabaret

R Club Cabaret - 11/01/2019

On November 1st, the R Club hosted a Cabaret style event held at the Ria Mar.  In addition to a very bubbly MC, the acts included dancing ladies with boas, a barbershop quartet, a wonderful rendition of Pierogies are a Girl's Best Friend, Story telling time by Fr. David, a surprise appearance by Elton John, and the South River Balalika Orchestra.

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Men's Club Picnic

Men's Club Picnic - 09/08/2019

The Men's Club Picnic was held on Saturday, September 8th.. The weather was beautiful. All who attended had a great time, despite the issues with the grill!

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Blessing of the Fruit

Blessing of the Fruit - 08/06/2019

August 5th and 6th marked Vespers and the Transfuguration Liturgy with Blessing of the Fruit afterwards. Fruit of the Transfiguration: Here is a natural expression of sacrifice to the Lord of His blessings of rain and sunshine which make it possible to reap a bountiful harvest.

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Feast of SS Peter and Paul Weekend

Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul Weekend - 06/29/2019

Another busy weekend at Ss. Peter and Paul... The Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul commenced with Vespers on Friday evening, followed by Liturgy on Saturday morning. Afterward, a potluck luncheon was held in the hall.

On Sunday, Vladislaw Kachur completed his Church School final essay with a presentation on St. Vladimir. Congrats and Nice Job!

Lastly, the 2019 installment of the Parsih Council was made in the Church with the swearing in of the following members: Congratualations to Starista James Kornafel, First Asst. Starista Hank Dziemian, 2nd Asst. Starista Jay Pelleriti, Recording Secretary Stacia Essl, Sonya Harris, Mike Steffaro, Deb Silowka, Lena Illenya, Paula Mindzak, Karen Berezniak, Greg Berezniak and Phil Rogozenski.

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Pentecost Talent Show

Pentecost Talent Show - 06/16/2019

The Holy Spirit descended upon our Church today in the form of both food and entertainment! First, we had the Taste of the Parish where dishes from around the world were displayed and eaten. What a dsiplay it was! Next, our Church school youth entertained us with an on-stage Talent Show. The Event was hosted by Andrew Steffaro. Nine of our youth participated.. (See the talent show green program in the pictures for a list of names and their talent. Sadly, due to technical difficulties, Alex and Greg could got play their saxes for us today.. However, Nia Lomjaria stepped up as a late replacement and dazzled us with her piano playing! Thanks Jakub Pieniazek, Alexander Pieniazek, Nia Lomjaria, Sophia Jaworuk, Sophia Mekmeb, Sebastian Deerson, Sara Jaworuk, Veronica Jaworuk and Arianna Steffaro. AND.. thanks to Allison Steffaro and Basil Kozak for coordination and background guitar! (Allison, your mini-xylophone talent was second to none... probably because we never heard anyone else play one before!)

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Church School Graduation

Church School Grad. and Scholarships - 06/09/2019

We had three Church School Graduates this Sunday, as well as several College graduates. Congratulations to Church School Graduates Katherine Illenye, Andrew Steffaro and Vlad Kachur. College Graduates are Natalie Siemienczuk, Julianna Illenye, and Julia Kharlamenko.  Lastly, our Masters Degree graduate is Kristen Berezniak. (Natalie and Kristen could not be with us today, no no pics.. sorry!)

Congratulations to Ewa Naumiuk and Alexis Steffaro who are winners of this year's Schemick-Tolls $500.00 Scholarship.. Well deserved to both of you!

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Run For The Church - 06/08/2019

June 8th, 2019 marked the 24th annual Run/Walk for the Church. Walkers and runners shared a gorgeous late spring day with a slight breeze. Breakfast was phenomenal, and our traditional pizza lunch was devoured after the calories were burned on the sidewalks of South River. Thanks to all the participants and workers who made the day a success.

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Ascension / Mitre Presentation

Ascension / Mitre Presentation - 06/06/2019

Great Vespers and Litiya was served with Archbishop Michael in attendance. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael presented Fr. Kuharsky with the priestly mitre during the Ascension Thursday service. The council hosted a luncheon following the service. The entire Kuharsky family attended and it was a beautiful day!

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Weekend of June 1, 2

Weekend of June 1-2 - 06/01/2019

The weekend of June 1st and 2nd was a very busy one. On Saturday, June 1st, we were blessed with a presentation by Bill Marianes on Church Stewardship and Ministries. Thanks to Bill for all of his insight!

On Sunday, June 2nd, we were again blessed with the final reports of two of our Church School students, Katherine Illenye whose report was on Saint Xenia, and Andrew Steffaro whose report was on Saint Andrew. Congratulations to both of them for completing their studies!

After that, the Parish met in the Hall for our Annual meeting, led by Starista Jim Kornafel, Treasurer Tania Davis, Fr. David, and the Church Council. All is well! The budget was approved, and we are blessed with a wonderfully active and vibrant parish! 

Finally, the R-Club Rib Cookoff returned as a smashing success. Four of the Parish's finest chefs competed. Congratulations to the 2019 winner - Janusz Naumiuk (or is it Yanos?.. who knows!) for winning on his inaugural attempt.

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day - 05/27/2019

The annual Memorial Day service was held at the Church cemetery at 8:00AM. The South River American Legion was on hand to offer a 21 gun salute and commemerative service for all our departed veterens. This was followed by a Panahida served by Fr. David.  Vechnaya Pamyat.

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Cemetery Blessing

Cemetery Blessings - 05/19/2019

Thanks to Pete and Debbie Silowka for taking pictures at the Cemetery for the Annual Blessing of the Graves. (Provodnoye) The Rainout date turned out to be a real scorcher. 

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Saint Andrew's Camp Fundraiser

SAC Troika Dinner Fundraiser - 05/18/2019

Ss. Peter and Paul hosted a Troika Dinner Fundraiser on May 18th, 2019 to benefit St Andrew's Camp in Jewell, NY. What a night!! Archbishop Michael was in attendance from Vespers til cleanup time! The South River Balalaika Orchestra (SoRiBO) performed magnificently. Over 150 people were in attendance for this successful new kitchen fundraiser. Thanks to Taisa Naumiuk for all these pictures...(and Janusz's phone!) As usual, thanks to Natasha Rogozenski for spearheading  this food festival, creating the baskets, and coordinating all the help. Thanks to all the cooks, servers and band members who donated their time and food for this event. 

If you would like your child to receive the benefits of a great Orthodox sleepaway camp, start by going to saintandrewscamp.org.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday - 04/21/2019

Pictures of the Vigil of Palm Sunday (Blessing of the Palms), as well as Palm Sunday.  Lastly, a "Trip to the Holy Land" was presented by Daniel Rogozenski and Greg and Alex Siemienczuk, based on their recent Spring Break trip from March 15th to 23rd, 2019.

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Lenten Activity Night

Lenten Activity Night - 04/19/2019

Church School Students gathered after Friday night matins to make Blessing Bags for the homeless as well as a lesson on Pascha and Holy Week. Blessing Bags were to benefit the homeless of the Boston and Hoboken areas.

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Holy Unction

Holy Unction - 04/18/2019

The sacrament of the unction of the sick is the Church’s specific prayer for healing. If the faith of the believers is strong enough, and if it is the will of God, there is every reason to believe that the Lord can heal those who are diseased. The Sacrament of Holy Unction was held on Thursday, April 18th.

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Easter Bazaar

Easter Bazaar - 04/13/2019

The Easter Bazaar was held on Saturday, April 13th. As usual, the leadership of Deb and Pete Silowka made the day's events as smooth as ever. The Tricky Tray was a record success. (Thanks Natasha, Deb and Karen!) The potato pancakes were spearheaded by the Men's Club again. (Fortunately, noone was injured during this effort!) The R Club's Ethnic goods were a huge success, as were the Bakery and the Honey and Soaps! And we always run out of the delicious Babka! Here are just a few pics from the day.

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Lenten Youth Sunday

Lenten Youth Sunday - 04/07/2019

April7th marked the celebration of our annual Lenten Youth Sunday. Our youth rang the bells, took part in the collection, held the Communion cloth, and worked the Candle desk. Ella Leoniuk read the Epistle, and Lizzie Lomjaria capped off the event with a beautifully prepared Sermon. See the pictures below.

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Mission Vespers

Mission Vespers - 03/31/2019

Lenten Mission Vespers was held at our Church on Sunday, March 31, 2019. Vespers was served by various priests from the surrounding Central NJ OCA parishes, including Fr. Gary Breton (Brick), Fr. Peter Baktis (Princeton),  Fr. Volodymyr Chaikivskyi (Trenton), Fr. Maryon Chaykivsky (Perth Amboy) , Fr. Greg Rubis (So. River ) and Fr. David Garretson (So. River). A light Lenten meal was served afterwards. 

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Communion Breakfast

Communion Breakfast - 03/17/2019

On the first Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, a Communion Breakfast was held in the Church hall following Divine Liturgy for the Church School Students who had partaken of the Sacrament of Holy Confession on Saturday. The Communion Breakfast was sponsored by the St. Anne's Guild.

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Theophany - 01/06/2019

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Last updated: 2022-11-06 14:23:34

March 13, 2022

Upcoming Events
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2025-03-09 12:26:54

Confession schedule can be found in the bulletin OR by clicking here: Monthly Calendar For those who are hesitant to worship in person, Fr. David is available to meet with you, either at home or in church, to participate in the Sacraments of Holy Confession and Communion. Please email or call Fr. David to set up an appointment.  
As is customary in our parish during Lent, the Sacrament of Holy Unction will be celebrated on Thursday, April 10, at 7:00PM. (Note: In order to properly approach the Mystery of Unction and benefit most from it, you should be absolved from your sins beforehand through Holy Confession, especially if you are not a regular communicant. Any question? Call Fr. David)
General Confession will be held on the first and third Saturdays of every month. You are NOT required to attend twice per month - only once - and if you are in need of a private confession, Fr. David is available on Saturday evenings, starting at 6PM.
An Easter Food Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 from 10AM until 2PM, in the parish hall. (Preorders Only!)  You can treat yourself to Lenten and Paschal goodies, including babkas, kolachi rolls, pierogies, cheese blintzes, potato pancakes and clam chowder. Order forms with prices, quantities and deadlines are in the bulletin, and on the website's home page.  
A Paschal Visitation by Archbishop MICHAEL will take place on Bright Monday, April 21st.
FOOD CARD PROGRAM : Food cards are available for various supermarket chains after Divine Liturgy, and do not cost any more than the face value of the card. The church receives a percentage as a free fundraiser! See Judy Znaiden in church or at jznaiden@optonline.net.

Church School: Resumes on Sunday March 23rd

Altar Society: Mon. Mar. 10th @6:30 (Hall)

Parish Council: Monday, xxxx@7:30PM (Hall)

Choir Rehearsal: Tuesday, Feb. 25th@7:00PM (Church)

Men's Club: Thurs Mar. 20th @ 7:00 (Hall) - (weather permitting)

Friday, March 14
6:00 Confessions7:00 Matins for the Departed
Saturday, March 15
Memorial Saturday
8:30 Confessions-Do NOT arrive after 8:45AM 9:00 Divine Liturgy
5:00 Confessions 7:00 Vespers followed by Confessions
Sunday, March 16
Second Sunday of Great Lent
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Mission Vespers: 5:00 Holy Spirit Church in Wantage
Wednesday, March 19
5:30 Confessions7:00 Liturgy for the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 21
7:00 Matins for the Departed
Saturday, March 22
Memorial Saturday
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Confessions 7:00 Vespers
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church / South River, NJ / 732-257-0102
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